- The LaunchNotes Podcast team
Unlocking a new phase of growth by going multi-product
Steve Klein (https://twitter.com/stevenklein) of LaunchNotes talks with Dave Schools of Hopin (https://twitter.com/daveschoools) about Hopin’s journey acquiring and building new products to unlock their next phase of growth. Links
Dave on Twitter: https://twitter.com/daveschoools
Dave’s company: https://hopin.com/
Check out LaunchNotes: https://launchnotes.com
Join Launch Awesome: https://www.launchnotes.com/launch-awesome
Follow on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClgMZx0kGDSSBAQG0wkDRyg
Check out the LaunchNotes Podcast: https://launchnotes-podcast.launchnotes.io/
Show notes
(00:00) - Introductions
(05:48) - Acquisitions and building products
(18:16) - Deciding to build a new product
(29:18) - Collaborating across the company on a new product
(37:54) - Product-led growth or enterprise first?
(39:51) - Not sharing code bases across product
(43:22) - How early is too early for a waitlist?
(44:48) - Deciding on a name for a new product
(47:38) - Sizing up the opportunity of a new product
Listen later? Here are the podcast links
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zKS5ZLRz4ig5iayUm1af5?si=ecc5af46041b45df