- The LaunchNotes Podcast team
Product management lessons from Stripe, Meta, and Microsoft with Vivek Sharma
Blake Thorne (@blakethorne - https://twitter.com/blakethorne) of LaunchNotes talks with Vivek Sharma of Stripe (formerly of Microsoft and Meta) about how being a generalist has helped him navigate a career in product. Vivek also shares 3 things that make Stripe unique in the way they build products. Links
Vivek on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pucknorris
Vivek on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivsha/
Vivek’s favorite product: https://chat.openai.com/chat
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Check out the LaunchNotes Podcast: https://launchnotes-podcast.launchnotes.io/
Show notes
(00:00) - Introductions
(03:57) - The value of being a generalist and listening really well
(10:05) - Working on the Revenue and Finance Automation Suite at Stripe
(20:45) - 3 things that make Stripe unique in the way they build products
(25:30) - How "Friction Logs" help improve the user experience at Stripe
(33:59) - Vivek's favorite product
Listen later? Here are the podcast links
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zKS5ZLRz4ig5iayUm1af5?si=ecc5af46041b45df