- The LaunchNotes Podcast team
Head of product to GM with Rian van der Merwe (Postmark, ActiveCampaign)
Blake Thorne (@blakethorne - https://twitter.com/blakethorne) of LaunchNotes talks with Rian van der Merwe (Postmark, ActiveCampaign) about his journey into product management and transitioning into a GM role. Rian also shares how they close the loop with customers on feature requests. Links
Rian’s personal website: Elezea.com
Rian’s company: https://postmarkapp.com/
Rian’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Making-Right-Product-Management-Startup-ebook/dp/B00M0KTVTO
The Design Of Everyday Things: https://www.amazon.com/Design-Everyday-Things-Revised-Expanded/dp/0465050654/
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Show notes
(00:00) - Introductions
(06:48) - Getting started in product management
(14:58) - Rian's book about product management
(22:10) - Empowering teams to make critical decisions
(24:22) - The value of writing
(29:23) - From product management to GM
(33:49) - Staying close to customers
Listen later? Here are the podcast links
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zKS5ZLRz4ig5iayUm1af5?si=ecc5af46041b45df