- The LaunchNotes Podcast team
Atlassian’s product journey with Dave Meyer
Blake Thorne (@blakethorne - https://twitter.com/blakethorne) of LaunchNotes talks with Dave Meyer of Atlassian about launching a product marketplace, enterprise product management, and how sharing key functionality across a suite of products helps improve the customer experience. Links
Dave on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hellodavemeyer/
The company Dave works for: https://www.atlassian.com/
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Check out the LaunchNotes Podcast: https://launchnotes-podcast.launchnotes.io/
Show notes
(00:00) - Introductions
(06:26) - Sharing core functionality across a suite of products
(11:32) - Launching a marketplace
(22:32) - Finding customers as a marketplace app provider
(27:13) - Enterprise product management